November 11, 2009

Bee Keeping

If you have decided to try your hand at bee keeping, please consider the following:

Keep your bee with perspective. His is a working class, after all. A yellow-and-black collared class that finds its bread in routine, its opiate in tradition. It’s the doing, day in and out, that interests him. To try and persuade him to your undoings will result in an uncomfortable silence between the two of you.

Keep your bee with precision. He is a creature of order, of sequence, of simple geometry. He does not crave higher mathematics so do not waste his time with imaginary numbers and impractical theorems. He is clockwork unburdened by cogs and springs.

Keep your bee with timing. Something smooth and sequential for the comings and goings and one’s and two’s of a day. A nice three-four waltz is charming for all seasons. Nothing too modern is necessary, nothing too formal is desired.

Keep your bee with sagacity. Professions with elaborate hats can lead to inanity and regular usage of smokers can cause abandonment of propriety in inappropriate moments. Curb any lack of inhibition post haste or else risk losing face with the bee.

Keep your bee with peace. He is not cunning nor knows the way of war. He will sacrifice himself, fodder in some incomprehensible confrontation, if he is met with hostility.

Keep your bee with faith. He knows he can fly. You should just trust that he can, too, despite physics and whatnot.

Keep your bee with family. His nature is to nurture. Blood is thicker than water and honey thicker still.


jsd said...

This is beautiful, and quite a lovely rule of life.

Anne said...

Thanks much!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic website, I hadn't come across before in my searches!
Carry on the good work!

Anne said...

Thanks much!