December 4, 2008

Tag Tag

Pick up the nearest book (not your favorite or the coolest, the nearest) and find the fifth sentence on the 46th page. Then add the next two to five sentences.

Race Across Alaska: First Woman to Win the Iditarod Tells Her Story
by Libby Riddles and Tim Jones

We couldn’t tell who they were or what they were doing. Another team came across the lake. John and I tried to figure out who it was. Finally the team trotted close enough for us to holler, “Who the heck is that?” The bearded driver passed by, shouting, “Paulsen. I’m one of those darn Minnesota drivers. That’s why you don’t know me.”


jsd said...

Go ahead and grab the source files from Once you've downloaded them, look under the folder "chapter2/lounge" and you'll find "lounge.html", "elixr.html", and "directions.html" (and a bunch of image files). - Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

Anne said...

Mine's better.