January 9, 2008

Altian, No. 2

Twilight winds away and with it takes my
suppositions of encountering him.
A waltz of hesitation and white lie
ensues to the agreeable chords of whim.
Strong back and unexpected forth play out
amid the sweet gestures of decorum.
Blue eyes step up and smile comes about
in a way expected for this forum.
But manners and dusk act in collusion
throwing off my tranquil procession.
Should I allow myself brief delusion
or again give logic my concession?
Does the world hold a greater joy to know
than the one I have found in his hello?


murat11 said...

Formal sonnet. Look out!

Expectation and desire pulsing in the first 12 lines, reined in, often enough, by the second line in each couplet, until the dam bursts and all sweetness flows in the final two.

"Strong back and unexpected forth..."

"Should I allow..."

Those last two are unabashed...

Whither, Altian, No. 1?

jsd said...

What murat11 said :-) Very beautiful.

Anne said...

Yes, some of my erstwhile ambition struck and I decided I need to try my hand at writing sonnets. The rhyme scheme is Shakespearean but the rest is so singularly me that I decided to own up to it—unabashedly as some might say.
My first attempt was superseded by the inspiration of a very good moment. (I’m glad you liked it too.) I haven’t given up on No. 1 yet, but it is withering on the vine. Perhaps, with some careful pruning, I can post it soon.