December 30, 2007

Meesa back!

A brief game of tag to flex the turtle muscles. I'll save the meaningful end-of-year discourse for later.

1. What is your favorite flower?
The iris.
(I put the plural in here and it seemed strange. Irises? Does that seem right to you? Shouldn’t it be irisi or something?)

2. What word in the English language do you wish you had invented?
Irisi. Just kidding. Give me a second. Verisimilitude. That’s a good one.

3. What do you miss about your childhood?
Shoes that have cartoon characters on them available in my size.

4. What is the main fault in your character?
I hold grudges. I try not to but they do climb in.

5. Describe how you kiss in one word.

6. What in the world do you least desire?
Debt. The monetary kind. The other types aren't so bad.

7. Finish this sentence. "Happiness is a thing called..."
Monkey pants!


murat11 said...

Askew: I dig that. Monkey pants ain't bad neither.

I think your plural for iris would need at least two umlauts for street cred.

Happy New Year.

Anne said...

Irisi and the umlauts—I think we’ve got ourselves a band name.