August 10, 2009


Stefanie started sticking stickers.
She started in Steubenville
and stuck to it till Strasenburgh
—where she stopped briefly for strudel—
but started sticking stuff again
with a stupefying amount of stickers.
Her stick-to-itiveness was quite stupendous.
Standing by, students were struck,
even stirred, as she strode and stuck
on steps and on Studebakers,
on stirrups and on street signs,
on sticks and on stenographers,
on steam trunks and on sturgeons,
on straps and on strobe lights,
on stencils and on starlets’ staffers,
on stilts and on startled state troopers,
Stefanie strove forward,
sticking her stickers on whole stacks of stuff,
until, strength gone, she stuttered, “This is stupid,”
and stopped.


Lee said...

LOL That was fun, Alt!


Anne said...

Thanks Lee! I was helping label about 600 books in the warehouse and my brain went a bit silly.