May 29, 2008


Okay, I’m too lazy to post all the rules of this meme, but Lee tagged me. You can see the rules over at her place, Chrysalis Dreams. Basically, it says to list six random things about me.

1. I’m a numismatist. (And I am not ashamed.)

2. My favorite cake is German chocolate cake. My mother makes the best German chocolate cake in the world. Some of that other stuff they call German chocolate cake just isn’t worth eating when compared to my mother’s.

3. I have a tattoo of the Chartres labyrinth on my back.

4. I love the song “Wand’rin’ Star” from the musical Paint Your Wagon. (And I am not ashamed.)

5. I only started watching the new Battlestar Galactica because Lucy Lawless of Xena fame joined the cast as an evil robot and it’s a stupid show that’s overly dramatic and I liked the old campy Battlestar Galactica much better because it had that robot dog thing and Starbuck was Face from the A Team and not some neurotic blonde who can’t commit which makes Apollo cry in every single stupid stupid episode and who the hell cares—WHY ISN’T THERE MORE ROBOT FIGHTING?! (I am so ashamed.)

(Bonus fact: “WHY ISN’T THERE MORE ROBOT FIGHTING?” was my main complaint about the new Transformers movie too.)

6. I’ve never worn braces.


murat11 said... you are an unashamed...platinum blonde...numismatist? This does not jive with the last time I saw you. The platinum blonde part; you could certainly have been unashamed (and seemed to be so) and numismatic.

Anne said...

I'll leave being a platinum blonde to Miss Six. Though I have been there and done that. And am not ashamed. (I apparently like saying that a lot. Perhaps I doth protest too much. Hmmmm.) As for the numismaticism -- it's a family thing. :-d